Sunday, February 13, 2011

early risers get free congee

Yesterday, some friends and I went downtown to do our first attempt at feeding the homeless. I brought a big pot of congee or "lugaw" and another friend brought the cups and spoons. Two in the group acted as documenters with a videocam and a still camera.

We started outside the Cebu Metropolitan Cathedral and walked around 3 blocks back to the same church, feeding all the street people we could. The congee was of course, not enough...but the experience was something to learn from. As Reggie said, we need a bigger pot. Probably, he's gonna buy something to fit a whole calf in..that would be great. I told him though that for now, and always, we shouldn't be after the numbers, but the quality of our actions. Are we not just feeding hungry stomachs, but also hungry hearts? That's the question worth answering.

A problem worth addressing is LONELINESS, not just poverty, disease, or addiction... Everything that afflicts mankind stems from this. Rampant sexually deviant acts, drug and alcohol addiction, crime, theft, hunger, prostitution...all these stems from the fact that we are all trying to fill up something that's empty in us.

And this can only be filled by one thing - LOVE. Compassion.Charity. All that our Lord sought to teach us and imbibe in us. And this for me is the ultimate goal for this project.

I didn't start this, God did. He kept pestering me to do something concrete to show him how much I love him. And this is it. I am loving him, we are loving him, in our neighbor - the poorest of the poor. And we've only just begun.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

an urgent message

Yesterday, in our cenacle at the Shrine of Mary Coredemptrix, which is where the Third Order meets, the former director of the tertiaries, Fr. Giancarlo (or is it John Carlo, idk), gave a very strong message for the Tertiaries who renewed their vows in the Mass following the talk. He said that one of the co-founders who is now in Cebu, Fr. Gabriel Pelletieri, told him that vocation to the consecrated life is very much needed in these dangerous times.

The Church is under attack by the forces of modernism, communism, and freemasonry FROM WITHIN. Whereas before, the persecution came from external enemies, in this most dangerous time, the enemies the Church has to contend with are the termites eating up the wood of our spiritual edifice, the wolves in sheep's clothing who are bishops and cardinals indoctrinated by the abovementioned diseases.

These are the bishops and cardinals (and even priests) who disobey the Pope, disregard the sacredness of our liturgy, and undermine the dogmas of our faith with their teachings and examples. There are bishops who promote the RH Bill. Priests in the U.S. and even in the Philippines alter the liturgy by making "clown masses"or "barbie doll masses" and what-not. These are sacrileges committed against the Bread of Life in the Eucharist, and the Life of God present in the unborn.

It is a good sign that the former Card. Ratzinger who is now Pope Benedict XVI has slowly steered the Church back to the glorious tradition it had before, when it was something respected and revered. Knowing that he is one of the proponents of the Second Vatican Council which brought forth these diseases in the Church, this change is something welcomed by those members who have sensed a growing decline in the faith as evidenced in the apostasy of its members, the rampant disobedience and scandalous lives of its ministers, and the loss of vocations and even of those who are already consecrated. There is a shortage of priests, religious,and lay who adhere closely to the Church.

The natural world itself is undergoing a rapid decline, a result of our sinfulness and wilfull disobedience to the Gospel. The Lord is punishing us for our crimes against nature, against the innocent, and against the Church. It is now time to repent, to reform and to renew our faith in the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church. Disasters of all kinds have become daily fare in the news and people still don't know what to do.

The answer is this: Become a Catholic or go back to the Church, lead holy lives according to the Gospel, consecrate yourself and your loved ones to the Immaculate, and accept suffering as a means to Heaven. Only God can save us through Mary.

"In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.."

"One day, with the Rosary and the Scapular, I will save the world."